Stronger Faith.
Stronger Families.

The Journey

Founded in 2012, Kingdom Journey is a Genesis-to-Revelation Bible Study for teenage students and their parents, culminating in a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Designed to start in the 9th or 10th grade, the program spans about 35 sessions, each lasting 90-120 minutes. We provide recommended structures, sample class plans, and personalized support to adapt Kingdom Journey to your congregation’s needs. Kingdom Journey is a proven ministry that strengthens the Christian faith of high school students and their families through peer-based Bible study and the transformative experience of a Holy Land pilgrimage.

Why It Matters

Today’s youth face immense pressures in all aspects of their lives. Kingdom Journey equips young Christians with the beliefs and structures they can rely on during both challenging and joyful times. It also provides historical and physical context by connecting the Bible’s teachings to the very places where they occurred.

Many Christians, both young and old, have not fully read the Bible, lack an understanding of its central themes, and are unfamiliar with the significance of the Holy Land. Kingdom Journey addresses these gaps, fostering a deeper knowledge and comfort in discussing their faith, while also building stronger personal relationships.

The Perfect Timing

Kingdom Journey is designed for students in 9th or 10th grade, a critical period when teenagers begin making decisions that will shape their futures. By participating, they are "covered in the armor of God," better prepared to navigate life’s challenges.

In addition to spiritual growth, the program offers secular benefits. It includes community service opportunities that often fulfill school-required community service hours, and the experience provides unique material for college applications and interviews, offering students a distinctive edge.

A Nun in white clothes leaving an ancient temple past an old wooden door.


Since our first class completed their Kingdom Journey in 2014, over 400 high school students and their families have been blessed by the program. Here are some participant testimonials:

A graphical icon representing an individual



A graphical icon representing a family



A graphical icon representing a bible


Days spent talking together about the Bible

Your Support Matters

Kingdom Journey does not sell its content or coaching; we give it away to ensure no barrier to access. We rely on the generous gifts of individuals, congregations, organizations, and foundations to continue our work. Every donation, regardless of size, helps us achieve our mission. If you want to be more involved and/or support Kingdom Journey, please get in touch with Stu Sheldon at

To make a one-time donation or to set up a recurring monthly donation, please click the link below.

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